• In News
  • 23. August 2016.

Thanks to a partnership between the "Razlivaliste" organization and the "Unreasonable Institute" from Colorado, young people in Serbia who want to engage in social entrepreneurship and solve social or environmental problems will have the first opportunity to participate in an intensive five-day program called the UNREASONABLE  LAB SERBIA.

Thanks to a partnership between the "Razlivaliste" organization and the "Unreasonable Institute" from Colorado, young people in Serbia who want to engage in social entrepreneurship and solve social or environmental problems will have the first opportunity to participate in an intensive five-day program called the UNREASONABLE  LAB SERBIA .

During 5 days of the program, program participants, or local entrepreneurs, will work on the analysis and development of their business models, their products and/or services and will negotiate a six-month work plan, with the suggestions of experienced business people in the role of mentors.

Upon completion of the program, participants will learn how to:

·         Check the basic principles on which their business ideas are based

·         Select the appropriate business models

·         Reach their customers

·         Carry out financial analysis and identify key costs

·         Develop baseline budgets and financial models.

The participants also have the opportunity to be part of the local, as well as of the global network of successful social entrepreneurs.

Eligible to apply for this unique program are entrepreneurs who have the ideas about starting their companies, entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of development of their businesses, students, civil society organizations engaged in economic activities, as well as classic entrepreneurs who, besides generating profits, wish to have a positive impact on the community.

The deadline for applications is August 26, 2016, while signing-up is done on https://www.f6s.com/unreasonablelabserbia/apply.

Any additional questions can be asked on https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefE_kBUxFvdy-9k3-TAxhgnZuPDveOt4yTpuchrXGWeYP64A/viewform?c=0&w=1, where you may also sign up for the Q@A Day. Further information is available on http://unreasonableinstitute.org/accelerator/serbia/

Source: Unreasonable Institute and Coordination Body

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