Presevo, Bujanovac – During the state of emergency, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, in parallel with distance teaching in the Serbian language, has also prepared distance teaching in schools throughout the Republic of Serbia for students attending classes in their mother tongue or in the national minority languages.
Presevo, Bujanovac – During the state of emergency, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, in parallel with distance teaching in the Serbian language, has also prepared distance teaching in schools throughout the Republic of Serbia for students attending classes in their mother tongue or in the national minority languages.
In cooperation with the Radio and Television of Vojvodina, as well as with the local and minority media, the recording and broadcasting of mother tongue classes in eight minority languages, which are Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Ruthenian, and Slovak, began on Monday, March 23, 2020. More than 44,000 students in primary and secondary schools in the country attend all their classes in one of the above-mentioned eight languages.
National Minority Councils provide significant support to the Ministry regarding the provision of diverse and top-quality digital and other online resources for distance learning in the languages of national minorities.
The broadcasting of classes in the Albanian language began on Monday, March 30, on RTV Vranje, RTV Presevo and RTV Bujanovac. Also, the entire material will also be available on the Albanian National Council's YouTube channel.
The schedule of broadcasting classes in the languages of national minorities will be continuously posted on the link: , as well as on the banner "Distance Learning in the Languages of National Minorities". .
Source: Jugpress and Coordination Body