Због ванредног стања на територији Републике Србије које је уведено због епидемије вируса COVID-19, као и на основу повратних информација из локалних самоуправа, програм Swiss PRO додатно продужава јавни позив…
Due to the state of emergency introduced in the territory of the Republic of Serbia because of the COVID-19 virus epidemic, as well as to the feedback received from the local self-governments, the Swiss PRO program further extended the deadline of the public call for the implementation and development of social protection services. The new deadline for the submission of project proposals is May 22, 2020.
The public call, under the motto "Join Forces, Provide Support", aims to increase the availability and quality of social protection services for at least 500 beneficiaries from vulnerable social groups. 96 cities and municipalities from the Sumadija and Western Serbia and Southern and Eastern Serbia regions have the right to participate in the public call.
Through this call, the Swiss Government will support up to 20 local self-governments with a total of 242,000 euros in establishing an effective and sustainable social protection system at the local level. Local self-governments will be supported with up to 12,100 euros per project aimed at establishing a new standardized social protection service, expanding the existing social protection services to include more users, or piloting the innovative social protection services.
All information about the call for proposals and about how to apply, as well as the application documentation and the document with the answers to all received questions related to the call, are available on https://www.swisspro.org.rs/ktext/javni-poziv-za-podrsku-jedinicima-lokalne-samouprave-za-sprovodjenje-i-razvoj-usluga-socijalne-zastite
If you missed the info sessions organized by the Swiss PRO program on this public call, you can watch a recording of the session held online on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVCTwSfnS70
The project information leaflet is available on https://www.swisspro.org.rs/uploads/files/220-369-snage-udruzi-podrsku-pruzi.pdf
Source: Swiss PRO and Coordination Body