Presevo – As part of the project „Let’s Familiarize Ourselves with Our Rights“, which is funded by the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja and is implemented by the „Center for Multicultural Education“ NGO, a second in a row roundtable on „International Conventions for Protection of Ethnic Minorities“ was organized . The attendees of the roundtable included Saip Kamberi, the Municipal President of Bujanovac, as well as around thirty or so secondary school students, who were mostly secondary school leavers.
Presevo – As part of the project „Let’s Familiarize Ourselves with Our Rights“, which is funded by the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja and is implemented by the „Center for Multicultural Education“ NGO, a second in a row roundtable on „International Conventions for Protection of Ethnic Minorities“ was organized . The attendees of the roundtable included Saip Kamberi, the Municipal President of Bujanovac, as well as around thirty or so secondary school students, who were mostly secondary school leavers.
The Municipal President of Bujanovac informed the secondary school students of the importance of international conventions, which guarantee all the rights to ethnic minorities. He also pointed out that it was necessary for everyone to familiarize themselves with those rights and get involved in solving them within the scope of the government.
Saip Kamberi also said that the Albanian National Council makes it possible for the Albanian community to exercise their rights, which are provided for under the new Law on National Councils, in all spheres of life. He underscored that the National Council makes it possible for Albanians to directly cooperate with the governmental institutions in connection with solving the issues in the fields of education, culture, providing information to ethnic minorities in their own languages etc.
Saip Kamberi assessed that direct elections for the Albanian National Council were democratic.