Pursuant to the reference number 100 670-00-00002-13/2016-01 of September 29, 2016 and the available financial resources, the Commission of the Coordination Body’s Office of the Government…
Pursuant to the reference number 100 670-00-00002-13/2016-01 of September 29, 2016 and the available financial resources, the Commission of the Coordination Body’s Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja for the award of student scholarships to secondary school students in the 2016/2017 academic year publishes a preliminary ranking list of the students who are to get student scholarships.
Download the document:
Preliminary ranking list (pdf)
Objections to the preliminary ranking list of the candidates may be submitted to the Coordination Body’s Office in the same manner the applications for scholarships were submitted not later than eight days upon the publication of the preliminary ranking list. The objection has to be explained or it has to be submitted together with the appropriate supporting documentation. The objection that hasn’t been substantiated or that hasn’t been submitted together with the appropriate documentation won’t be considered. The commission for student scholarships shall consider the objections and determine the final ranking of the candidates.
The Coordination Body’s Office shall draw up the final ranking list and shall submit it, along with the list of candidates and copies of the contracts, to the schools within eight days from expiry of the deadline for objections to the ranking list.
Source: Coordination Body