Presevo, Bujanovac – In the three days since the beginning of the joint engagement of medical teams of the Army of Serbia and the Ohio National Guards of the US Armed Forces, over five hundred patients were medically examined in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac.
Presevo, Bujanovac – In the three days since the beginning of the joint engagement of medical teams of the Army of Serbia and the Ohio National Guards of the US Armed Forces, over five hundred patients were medically examined in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac.
In the villages of Reljan, Muhovac and Vlase, where medical examinations of the patients have been conducted so far, doctors of various specialties considered the state of the patients’ health, while there were cases when medical assistance was provided on the spot. Further medical treatments and check-ups at the closest medical centers were recommended to some patients.
According to the data of the medical teams, chronically ill persons with cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure have, so far, contacted medical teams the most, although there was also a lot of interest for ophthalmologists, gynecologists and pediatricians. Although the largest percentage of those who contacted the medical teams included patients of the third age, a large number of younger people, women and children contacted them, too.
According to the schedule, veterinary and preventive medical teams carried out rodent control, disinfection and disinfestation in places where there was a need for that kind of assistance.
Source: Coordination Body