A meeting in Presevo, organized by Director of the Novi Sad – based Center for Regionalism Aleksandar Popov, during which representatives of the civil society of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja discussed co-operation between the Coordination Body, non-governmental organizations and local self-government. Mr. Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the CBPBM, and Mr. Ivan Vejvoda, Director of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, attended the meeting.
A meeting in Presevo, organized by Director of the Novi Sad – based Center for Regionalism Aleksandar Popov, during which representatives of the civil society of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja discussed co-operation between the Coordination Body, non-governmental organizations and local self-government. Mr. Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the CBPBM, and Mr. Ivan Vejvoda, Director of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, attended the meeting.