Competition of the Young in Entrepreneurship
Competition of the Young in Entrepreneurship
The "Skills in Practice" event was held at the "Babe" hotel in Sopot. The event was dedicated to developing entrepreneurial spirit of the young. Around 100 secondary school pupils from Belgrade, as well as 16 secondary school students from Bujanovac, Presevo, Medvedja and other places from South Serbia, who were split up in ten teams, participated in the manifestation. The competition in entrepreneurship was organized by the British Council and Junior Achievement – Serbia, while it was sponsored by the city of Belgrade. The city of Belgrade has been engaged in providing the funds for this program since 2005, for it wishes to invest in education of the young. Over the past three years, the city of Belgrade earmarked a total of 23 million dinars for this purpose, while over 1,300 young persons participated in the projects.
By working on concretely assigned business tasks, the teams prepared business plans and their presentations Mentors and the best managers of the largest Serbian companies assisted them with completing their tasks, so that finally prizes were awarded to the best solutions.
The goal of the program is to develop understanding of the importance and role of the market economy in development of society, doing business operations in accordance with the ethnic principles, solving key social issues and acquiring business knowledge and skills.