Bujanovac – It would be more advisable for Bujanovac, as a multiethnic municipality, to have a multiethnic government, the owner of TV Spektri from Bujanovac, Nedzat Behljuli, said for the FoNet news agency and voiced hope that it would be so.
Bujanovac – It would be more advisable for Bujanovac, as a multiethnic municipality, to have a multiethnic government, the owner of TV Spektri from Bujanovac, Nedzat Behljuli, said for the FoNet news agency and voiced hope that it would be so.
"The government is being formed, the constitutive session of the Assembly has not been scheduled yet, the only thing that has been known so far is that the Democratic Party of Nagip Arifi, as the winner of the local elections, secured a majority with the Albanian parties," Mr. Behljuli said.
He claims that, according to their agreement, which he had access to, "the possibility was left for the SPP (Serbian Progressive Party) to join them according to the principle that has been functioning in Bujanovac since 2002, so that the division of power will be 60 percent for the Albanians and 40 percent for the Serbs".
Mr. Behljuli also said that the local government in Bujanovac had been functioning in that manner for the past 18 years and that he personally thought that the SPP would also be in power in Bujanovac.
That would be very important for our municipality because they will be the holder of the republican power, without whose help our municipality will have serious problems because, as we know, the poor municipal budget is supplemented from the republican budget, "Mr. Behljuli said.
He added that "it is very important for the SPP to be part of the local government so that three Albanian MPs could possibly participate by giving support to the republican government."
Mr, Behljuli says that there are other reasons for the SPP to be in the local government in Bujanovac, because "local economic development and the arrival of a foreign investor directly depend on the support and lobbying of the competent ministries."
"Anyway," he believes "the municipality of Bujanovac is too small and irrelevant to participate in reaching a possible final political agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, for the Albanians from the Presevo Valley have not, so far, been invited to the negotiations that Serbia and Kosovo have been having for several years."
Source: “Danas” daily, “FoNet” press agency, Jugpress and Coordination Body