Presevo, Bujanovac – According to the latest published data, the highest number of persons in self-isolation in the Pcinj District is in Presevo, 1, 734 of them.
Presevo, Bujanovac – According to the latest published data, the highest number of persons in self-isolation in the Pcinj District is in Presevo, 1, 734 of them.
Presevo is ranked seventh among cities and municipalities in Serbia by the number of people in self-isolation.
In Vranje, there is a total of 1, 195 persons who have been ordered to carry out self-isolation measures.
By number of persons in self-isolation, the third is Bujanovac with 1,136 of them.
In Surdulica there are 137 people in self-isolation, 122 in Vladicin Han, 72 in Bosilegrad and 45 in Trgovište.
Such a high number of people in self-isolation in Presevo and Bujanovac is due to the large number of citizens of these two municipalities who have returned from Kosovo and Metohija or from abroad.
Source: Jugpress and Coordination Body