As part of the Ministry of Culture’s „Serbia in Serbia“ activity, the „Kolo“ national ensemble is going to give its concerts in Vladicin Han, Bujanovac and Medvedja from today until May 12, 2009.
As part of the Ministry of Culture’s „Serbia in Serbia“ activity, the „Kolo“ national ensemble is going to give its concerts in Vladicin Han, Bujanovac and Medvedja from today until May 12, 2009.
According to the „Kolo“ public relations officer Milo Radoman, in addition to the national ensemble „Kolo“, the Serbian – Albanian amateur cultural and artistic company from Bujanovac is going to have its performance, too. The concerts will be realized in co-operation with the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja and the local self-governments.
Mr. Radoman stated that Nebojsa Bradic, Minister of Culture, will attend the concert in Bujanovac.
The aim of the „Serbia in Serbia“project is an equal development of culture in the territory of entire Serbia, or the bringing of top-quality artistic programs closer to all Serbian citizens.