Bujanovac – The five-member Trifunovic family, which comes from Bujanovac, needs help because they were left without a roof over their heads, the parents are out of work, and one of the three children recently had heart surgery, which saved the young girl’s life at the last minute.
Bujanovac – The five-member Trifunovic family, which comes from Bujanovac, needs help because they were left without a roof over their heads, the parents are out of work, and one of the three children recently had heart surgery, which saved the young girl’s life at the last minute.
The mother, Vesna Trifunovic (maiden name Salihi), whose parents are from Bujanovac, addressed the Bujanovac News portal, asking for help from everyone who could help, and her story was shocking.
"Since October 11 last year, when the landlord kicked us out of the flat, we and our three children have been practically on the street. I used to work at the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, while, now, neither my husband nor I work and we literally ate bread from the street. I'm not ashamed to say that, but I feel sorry for the children. To make the matters worse, Dunja had serious heart problems and was operated on in Tirsova Steet in Belgrade. Now, new tests and further treatment are to follow, and we don't even have the money for bread, we drift through other people's houses hungry and barefoot ", Vesna says.
She points out that they lived in Uzice, but the landlord had no mercy, so they had to leave the flat because they could not pay the rent and bills, and now they are temporarily in Smederevo with Vesna's sister.
Apart from the sick child, the Trifunovics have to survive without income, to feed their three children, provide the shoes, clothes and everything that is necessary for them, and currently they cannot do that without assistance.
“We ask all people of good will to help us get back to our feet and have our child cured. What is little for you is a lot for us ", Vesna pleaded.
Those who wish to help this family can do so by sending clothes and shoes for children aged 14 months, 4 and 9, as well as food and hygiene products to the following address:
The Trifunovic family
Save Nemanjica 15
A foreign currency account has been opened for providing financial assistance to the Trifunovics:
Vojvodjanska bank 325-9300703482860-97
iban RS353259934170267820415
Vojvodjanska bank AD swift code otpvrs22
Source: Bujanovac News and Coordination Body