Bogoljub Tomic, Director of the Bujanovac Tobacco Industry, said that around four hundred tons of tobacco is going to be produced in the territory of the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo this year, which is by 100 tons of tobacco more in comparison with the last year.
Bogoljub Tomic, Director of the Bujanovac Tobacco Industry, said that around four hundred tons of tobacco is going to be produced in the territory of the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo this year, which is by 100 tons of tobacco more in comparison with the last year.
„Despite the difficulties caused by the Ministry of Agriculture’s decision on abolishment of subsidies on tobacco – growing, we managed this year to agree on producing larger quantities of tobacco than we did last year“Mr. Tomic said. Apart from tobacco – manufacturing, this factory also produces tobacco foil.
Mr. Tomic said that the factory had exported around 1,800 tons of tobacco foil to the countries all over the world the year before. Those countries include all those from the United States of America to Hungary, as well as the countries that used to be parts of the former Yugoslavia, such as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.
The Bujanovac Tobacco Industry has 148 employees, while 218 families from South Serbia live on tobacco – manufacturing.