The public works, a total value of which is 91, 5 million dinars, are soon to be carried out in the territory of six municipalities of the undeveloped Jablanica district, which includes Leskovac, Lebane, Bojnik, Medvedja, Vlasotince and Crna Trava, while 661 persons are going to get employed. 21 contracts on performance of public works in Leskovac, as well as in Bojnik, Lebane and Medvedja, the value of which is 76 million dinars, were concluded in Leskovac at the end of last week. At the same time, 7 contracts on implementation of projects in Vlasotince, as well as in the municipality of Crna Trava, the value of which is 15, 5 million dinars, were concluded in Vlasotince.
The public works, a total value of which is 91, 5 million dinars, are soon to be carried out in the territory of six municipalities of the undeveloped Jablanica district, which includes Leskovac, Lebane, Bojnik, Medvedja, Vlasotince and Crna Trava, while 661 persons are going to get employed. 21 contracts on performance of public works in Leskovac, as well as in Bojnik, Lebane and Medvedja, the value of which is 76 million dinars, were concluded in Leskovac at the end of last week. At the same time, 7 contracts on implementation of projects in Vlasotince, as well as in the municipality of Crna Trava, the value of which is 15, 5 million dinars, were concluded in Vlasotince.
According to Head of the National Employment Office, the works are going to last up to six months, while twice more people will get employed this year than the previous one. Thirteen projects were approved in the field of environmental protection, nine in the field of social welfare and six in the field of social welfare and humanitarian and cultural activities.
In the period to come, several hundreds of families, among which are many of those from poor settlements in Leskovac, Vlasotince, Bojnik and other places of the Jablanica district, are going to be engaged in cherry-picking from the early morning hours.