Three confectionary factories, which carry out business operations within the „Kondiva“ confectionary industry, were built in the village of Zbevac, which is situated halfway between Bujanovac and Vranje. The factorieis manufacture 500 tons of top-quality chocolates, waffles, sweets and toffees per year, while over 200 young workers from Zbevac and nearby villages, who are food-precessing and agricultural experts, are employed there.
Three confectionary factories, which carry out business operations within the „Kondiva“ confectionary industry, were built in the village of Zbevac, which is situated halfway between Bujanovac and Vranje. The factorieis manufacture 500 tons of top-quality chocolates, waffles, sweets and toffees per year, while over 200 young workers from Zbevac and nearby villages, who are food-precessing and agricultural experts, are employed there. They say that the atmosphere in the factories is European and that the factories are identical to those in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland, where technology comes from.
Zoran Dinic, one of the young workers, says that the most important thing is that the constructed factories stopped the population from moving from the villages, thanks to which the villages aren’t going down.
– Now, the young stay here, build new houses and continue their families’ names – Mr. Dinic says.
Anyway, the Zbevac-based "Kondiva" has opened the so-called „sweet houses“ throughout Serbia, as well as in the neighbouring countries.