Мedvedja – The Slovenian government’s development agency is going to earmark 1 million euros in the EU IPA funds for the manufacturing of briquette and biomass in Medvedja. Slobodan Draskovic, President of the Municipality of Medvedja, says that they signed contracts with six Slovenian companies, which are going to be partners of the aforesaid development agency.
Мedvedja – The Slovenian government’s development agency is going to earmark 1 million euros in the EU IPA funds for the manufacturing of briquette and biomass in Medvedja. Slobodan Draskovic, President of the Municipality of Medvedja, says that they signed contracts with six Slovenian companies, which are going to be partners of the aforesaid development agency. Over the next couple of months, the production will begin on the premises of the ruined “Termovent” plant, which covers the area of three thousand square meters. 40 people will get jobs, as well as regional contract farers and saw-mill owners, who will be delivering their waste materials for further manufacturing, instead of storing them in the environment, Mr. Draskovic said. He also said that Medvedja would get, from the same source, further 295,000 euros for fitting out and putting in motion the industrial zone in the center of Medvedja.