Bujanovac, Presevo – The humanitarian assistance provided by the joint medical teams of the Army of Serbia and the Ohio National Guard is to begin in the area of the Pcinj administrative district on Tuesday, September 6.
The assistnce provoded by joint medical teams includes free medical examinations of the villagers living a long way away from medical institutions in the cities.
Bujanovac, Presevo – The humanitarian assistance provided by the joint medical teams of the Army of Serbia and the Ohio National Guard is to begin in the area of the Pcinj administrative district on Tuesday, September 6.
The assistnce provoded by joint medical teams includes free medical examinations of the villagers living a long way away from medical institutions in the cities.
The medical examinations will be done by general practitioners, pediatricians, gynecologists, dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, ophthalmologists and other specialists as needed, as well as by dentists. Veterinary and preventive medical teams will be in the field, too.
Following consultations and visits to the sites, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Directorate for Military Healthcare, the Military Medical Academy and the Ohio National Gard reached a final decision on the local communities in which humanitarian assistance would be provided.
The agenda for providing medical assistance is the following:
September 6, 2016 – the village of Reljan, the “9th.of May” elementary school (the municipality of Presevo)
September 7, 2016 – the village of Muhovac, the “Midjeni” elementary school (the municipality of Bujanovac)
September 8, 2016 – the Vlase neighborhood, the “20th. October” elementary school, (the city of Vranje)
September 9, 2016 – the Vrtogos neighborhood, the “1st. of May” elementary school (the city of Vranje)
September 10, 2016 – the village of Lucane, the “Sami Fraseri” elementary school (the municipality of Bujanovac)
September 12, 2016 – the village of Klenike, the “Bora Stankovic” elementary school (the municipality of Bujanovac)
September 13, 2016 – the village of Cervajka, the “Midjeni” elementary school (the municipality of Presevo)
September 14, 2016 – the village of Letovica, the “Ali Bektasi” elementary school – the regional school section in the village of Nesalce (the municipality of Bujanovac)
The medical assistance is scheduled to be provided in the period from 9 am to 4 pm.
The medical assistance will be provided by 61 people, of whom 31 of them are members of the Army of Serbia, 26 members of the Ohio National Guard and four members of the Armed Forces of Angola, who will be in the capacity of observers.
Source: Coordination Body