Belgrade – The NLB Bank Belgrade issued for the fifth time a call for the best project in the field of production and processing of organic food. The call is aimed at supporting and assisting the development of organic farming and food processing in Serbia, as well as at contributing to the promotion and encouragement of new and existing farmers and processors to improve their knowledge and increase the possibility of expanding their production and processing of organic food.
Belgrade – The NLB Bank Belgrade issued for the fifth time a call for the best project in the field of production and processing of organic food. The call is aimed at supporting and assisting the development of organic farming and food processing in Serbia, as well as at contributing to the promotion and encouragement of new and existing farmers and processors to improve their knowledge and increase the possibility of expanding their production and processing of organic food.
The best projects, according to the jury, will be awarded in the following manner:
1. The award in the net amount of 1,000,000 RSD, of which 300,000 RSD shall be paid immediately in the current account of the registered agricultural farm with the NLB Bank, while the rest of 700,000 RSD shall be paid per attached invoices related to the project.
2. The award in the net amount of 300,000 RSD – payment in the current account with the NLB Bank.
3. The award in the net amount of 200,000 RSD – payment in the current account with the NLB Bank.
Eligible to apply are all individual farmers who have registered farms and are certified for organic production and food processing, as well as those who are undergoing the process of certification.
The deadline for project submission is September 1, 2016.
The award ceremony is scheduled for September 20, 2016.
The projects competing for the awards must be in compliance with all principles of certified organic food production and processing, otherwise they won’t be taken into consideration.
Detailed information on the call is available on the website of the NLB Bank (, as well as at all its branches.
Source: NLB Bank and Coordination Body