Fatmir Hasani from Bujanovac, a chemistry teacher by profession, recently started advocating for the development of the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
As he said, he would devote his first mandate to the struggle for a better position of the three municipalities.
Fatmir Hasani from Bujanovac, a chemistry teacher by profession, recently started advocating for the development of the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
As he said, he would devote his first mandate to the struggle for a better position of the three municipalities.
“Bearing in mind that the unemployment rate in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja is around 70% and that the number of poor families is increasing, we need to act as soon as possible, so that the population would have something to live on, "Mr. Hasani said.
Mr. Hasani underscored that he would fight for better living conditions of the Albanians, Serbs, Roma and members of other ethnic minorities in that area. He says that the Albanian national minority had very difficult moments throughout history and that it was often left without support.
“I want us to be accepted and to develop mutual trust, so that we could live with as few problems as possible, "said the MP.
Mr. Hasani said that there were huge differences in economic terms among the municipalities in Serbia and that the government needed to solve the issue. He expected that the governmental bodies would cooperate well.
“It's time for us to put everything aside and develop as a nation, to begin working on acccession to the European Union because it is a lifeline for the entire Balkans, "Mr. Hasani said, adding that it was through the process of accession to the EU that the rights of minorities would be solved according to the Constitution and European conventions.
Mr. Hasani said that many citizens turned to him for assistance, especially for the one related to employment. As he pointed out, they didn’t ask how high their wages would be, as they were ready to take any job in order to be able to feed their families. He concluded that his fellow citizens expected him to help them, and that he was sure he would trigger the economic development of the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.
Source: Coordination Body