Bujanovac – The state of emergency in the territory of Bujanovac due to the corona virus pandemic, which was introduced on July 17, was lifted on Tuesday by a decision of the Emergency Situations Staff.
Bujanovac – The state of emergency in the territory of Bujanovac due to the corona virus pandemic, which was introduced on July 17, was lifted on Tuesday by a decision of the Emergency Situations Staff.
The decision will become effective on the same day or on the next one, as soon as the Emergency Situations Staff’s conclusion is signed by Mayor Nagip Arifi.
As it was said at the session of the Emergency Situations Staff, that, among other things, meant returning to the old working hours of catering facilities, betting facilities, gambling houses etc, which was prescribed by the municipal decision on working hours from 2018.
That decision was reached by the Staff at the suggestion of Dr. Daliborka Pavlovic, the Director of the Health Center, who stated that the epidemiological situation in the municipality of Bujanovac was stable, as well as that a smaller number of examinations of persons suspected of being infected with the corona virus carried out..
However, the measures of the Republican Crisis Staff on public gatherings remained in force.
Source: Bujanovac News and Coordination Body