Bujanovac – As part of the celebration of this year's Children's Week, members of the Students' Parliament of the "Branko Radicevic" elementary school in Bujanovac, with the help of the school psychologist, organized the promotion of children's rights in the school lobby.
Bujanovac – As part of the celebration of this year's Children's Week, members of the Students' Parliament of the "Branko Radicevic" elementary school in Bujanovac, with the help of the school psychologist, organized the promotion of children's rights in the school lobby.
On that occasion, they made for the first graders and for the students of the compulsory pre-school program of the Roma community the appropriate gifts, such as smiley symbols, schedules of classes, bracelets, badges and the like.
Every child that had brought at least one drawn or written children’s law received a gift.
Source: Bujanovac News and Coordination Body