Verica Kalanovic, Minister for the National Investment Plan, met with representatives of 40 least developed Serbian municipalities in Bujanovac yesterday. Topics discussed at the meeting included projects implemented in the current year and plans for the next one.
Verica Kalanovic, Minister for the National Investment Plan, met with representatives of 40 least developed Serbian municipalities in Bujanovac yesterday. Topics discussed at the meeting included projects implemented in the current year and plans for the next one.
„I’m satisfied with the cooperation with you, even though it could have been far better and much greater. Out of 148 selected projects, only 67 of them were fully completed during a nine-month period, while 46 of them were half completed. I expect that all of us, both those at the ministries at those in the municipalities, will make more effort next year“Mrs. Kalanovic said.
Minister Verica Kalanovic made most complaints against a lack of promptness on the part of local administrations, insufficient involvement of specific mayors and submission of incomplete documentation.
„There were even such municipalities that failed to make use of a single dinar, because they hadn’t submitted complete documentation for their projects, although the project documentation submission deadline was six months. That is inconceivable” Mrs. Kalanovic said.
That is why out of two billion dinars that the least developed Serbian municipalities had at their disposal for infrastructure projects, only one billion dinars were spent.