The Ministry of Culture and Information has issued a new call for co-financing artists' e-mobility.
The Ministry of Culture and Information has issued a new call for co-financing artists' e-mobility.
The call was issued for the co-financing of artistic contents and works and mobility of artists and professionals in the field of culture and arts in 2020.
The Ministry points out that this is a newly established category within the existing call for co-financing the mobility of artists and professionals in the field of culture and arts, created in response to the circumstances caused by the corona virus pandemic.
The funds allocated in this call will cover the costs related to the production and preparation of artistic contents and works for the participation of artists from Serbia in international online festivals, professional gatherings, galleries/exhibitions and other types of online presentations abroad.
Applications for the call can be submitted in the period from July 20 to September 20, 2020.
The text of the call and the application form are available on—umetnickih-sadrzaja-i-dela-i-mobilnosti-umetnika-i-profesionalaca-u-oblasti-kulture-i-umetnosti-u-2020–godini.
Source: Ministry of Culture and Information and Coordination Body