April 29. 2009.

  • In News
  • 29. April 2009.

After almost ten years, children of Bujanovac and Presevo were yesterday in a position to hang out with members of “On the Stage Troupe” who performed for them “The Adventures of Peter Pan.”  The tour of the Novi Sad – based theatre was organized under the aegis of the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, while the admission to the play for the children and their teachers was free of charge. The performance was watched in the two cities by around 900 junior elementary schoolchildren.

After almost ten years, children of Bujanovac and Presevo were yesterday in a position to hang out with members of “On the Stage Troupe” who performed for them “The Adventures of Peter Pan.”  The tour of the Novi Sad – based theatre was organized under the aegis of the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, while the admission to the play for the children and their teachers was free of charge. The performance was watched in the two cities by around 900 junior elementary schoolchildren. 

– We shall continue organizing  such and similar cultural events in the future, since culture and education should be a basis for improving the cultures of  different ethnic communities living in these municipalities of South Serbia. – said Sima Gazikalovic,  Vice President of the Coordination Body for South Serbia. In spite of perfect conditions at the two community centers, theaters very rarely go on tours to Bujanovac and Presevo.

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