Thanks to the „Serbia in Serbia“project, the National Theatre from Belgrade, the Serbian National Theater from Novi Sad, the Yugoslav Film Archives, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the „Kolo“Troupe and the Film Center of Serbia are going to give concerts, theatrical, opera and ballet performances, as well as to show films, in the cities starting from Bujanovac and Medvedja to Sremska Mitrovica.
Thanks to the „Serbia in Serbia“project, the National Theatre from Belgrade, the Serbian National Theater from Novi Sad, the Yugoslav Film Archives, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the „Kolo“Troupe and the Film Center of Serbia are going to give concerts, theatrical, opera and ballet performances, as well as to show films, in the cities starting from Bujanovac and Medvedja to Sremska Mitrovica.
The Drama Ensemble of the National Theatre from Belgrade is going to give its „Ženidba“performance in Vranje tomorrow. Next week, the National Theater will give its „Kovači“performance in Lebane. At the end of April, the Drama Ensemble will perform its „Evgenije Onjegin“opera in Niš, where the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra will perform as well.
The „Kolo“Troupe will give performances in Kosovo and Metohija in the first half of May. This troupe of folk dances and songs will also perform in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja.