April 07, 2008

  • In News
  • 7. April 2008.

Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the Coordination Body for South Serbia, participated today in the opening ceremony of the third international agriculture fair in Bujanovac. Over 60 producers of agricultural produce, foodstaffs and farming equipment both from the country and abroad will participate in the fair, which will take place from April 7 to 9, 2008. Apart from the Preševo and Bujanovac Development Agency (PBDA), the holding of the fair was supported by the USAID Mission’s Economic Security Program.

Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the Coordination Body for South Serbia, participated today in the opening ceremony of the third international agriculture fair in Bujanovac. Over 60 producers of agricultural produce, foodstaffs and farming equipment both from the country and abroad will participate in the fair, which will take place from April 7 to 9, 2008. Apart from the Preševo and Bujanovac Development Agency (PBDA), the holding of the fair was supported by the USAID Mission’s Economic Security Program.

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