Brussels – The European Commission has issued a call for project proposals for the European Youth Week under the Erasmus + program.
Brussels – The European Commission has issued a call for project proposals for the European Youth Week under the Erasmus + program.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is July 28, 2020.
The initiative's budget is 5 million EUR, while the aim is to support a network of youth organizations operating locally across Europe. The corona virus pandemic has separated young people from their friends, colleagues and normal daily activities. Young people are also faced with insecurities regarding employment opportunities, social life and their leisure time. Youth organizations need support in counseling and developing guidelines for young people in this crisis period to help them acquire life skills and prepare for the future.
“The COVID 19 pandemic threatens the social and economic prospects of young people. Youth organizations must help them, both now and in the future. The youth sector can initiate positive measures and be part of a sustainable long-term recovery process. The aim of the call we have issued is to support youth organizations to be able to have an active role in terms of participation and solidarity, in line with the challenges of digital skills and a green lifestyle, "said Maria Gabriel, the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
This call is aimed at civil society organizations for young people who are expected to propose projects involving at least five partners from five different countries, who are able to mobilize young people in partnerships in Erasmus + countries.
Source: European Commission and Coordination Body