Меdvedja – Yesterday, a live video conference was held, which was organized by Nebojsa Arsic, the President of the Municipality of Medvedja…
Меdvedja – Yesterday, a live video conference was held, which was organized by Nebojsa Arsic, the President of the Municipality of Medvedja, and Velibor Stevic, the Secretary General of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Serbia, with the Mayor of Uvarov, Vladislav Vladimirovic Denisov, who presented possible areas in which the two sides could cooperate.
Uvarovo is a city in Russia in the Tambov region – the Russian Federation. The goal of the video conference was to get to know and connect the two places in the economic, educational and cultural plan through a twinning agreement between the two cities.
The Mayor of Uvarov, Vladislav Vladimirovich Denisov, expressed great respect for our people and the fraternal connection of the citizens and businessmen. Joint economic investments were especially emphasized during the discussion. A video conference with businessmen and entrepreneurs of the two cities was also announced, which will be organized as soon as the Protocol of Cooperation is established with a letter of intent.
Source: South Serbia Info Center and Coordination Body