Leskovac, Меdvedja – Out of the latest 250 test results from the territory of the Jablanica district, 84 people are positive for the corona virus: 47 people from the city of Leskovac, 24 people from the municipality of Vlasotince, 9 people from the municipality of Lebane, 3 people from Bojnik and 1 person from the territory of the municipality of Medvedja.
Leskovac, Меdvedja – Out of the latest 250 test results from the territory of the Jablanica district, 84 people are positive for the corona virus: 47 people from the city of Leskovac, 24 people from the municipality of Vlasotince, 9 people from the municipality of Lebane, 3 people from Bojnik and 1 person from the territory of the municipality of Medvedja.
The structure of patients is as follows: 43 employed persons, 20 unemployed persons, 18 pensioners, 1 child, 1 student and 1 farmer.
Currently, another 166 results from the territory of the Jablanica district are awaited.
Source: infocentarjug.rs and Coordination Body