Leskovac, Мedvedja – 488 vacancies remained in the secondary schools of Jablanica administrative district. This number shows that there are problems with planning the enrollment policy, which are inherited from year to year, but also that there are fewer and fewer children in the city of Leskovac and the municipalities that belong to Jablanica district.
Leskovac, Мedvedja – 488 vacancies remained in the secondary schools of Jablanica administrative district. This number shows that there are problems with planning the enrollment policy, which are inherited from year to year, but also that there are fewer and fewer children in the city of Leskovac and the municipalities that belong to Jablanica district.
The largest number of vacancies is in the municipality of Medvedja, as many as 78 of them. At technical school "Nikola Tesla", there are 9 vacancies in the car mechanics department, 15 vacancies for mechanics for heating and cooling devices, 18 vacancies for mechanical technicians skilled in computer-aided designing, 23 vacancies for economic technicians in one class, and 13 in another one.
Source: Jugpress and Coordination Body