400 Tons of Tobacco in the Bujanovac Region
Bujanovac – The last tobacco leaves of this year’s harvest are being picked off in the Bujanovac region. A bit over 400 tons of the industrial plant was picked up. It is estimated that this year’s tobacco is of top-quality and that it is much better than the last year’s one. This year, as well as during the previous few years, small-leafed oriental “prilep” and “jaka” types of tobacco were grown in the Bujanovac area.
400 Tons of Tobacco in the Bujanovac Region
Bujanovac – The last tobacco leaves of this year’s harvest are being picked off in the Bujanovac region. A bit over 400 tons of the industrial plant was picked up. It is estimated that this year’s tobacco is of top-quality and that it is much better than the last year’s one. This year, as well as during the previous few years, small-leafed oriental “prilep” and “jaka” types of tobacco were grown in the Bujanovac area. Tobacco “prilep” was grown on around 80 per cent of the tobacco fields, while the traditional Bujanovac “jaka” hasn’t been grown so much lately. Nevertheless, tobacco was grown by ten or so per cent more farmers this year compared with the last year, while tobacco fields were about 20 per cent larger this year than they were last year.
Tobacco is going to be repurchased as of the second half of October. Repurchase prices will most likely be the same as the last year’s ones, when around two and half euros were paid for a kilogram of tobacco. Although the competent authorities haven’t yet decided in favor of the premiums, tobacco growers believe that they’ll get both the governmental and local ones. Over the past three seasons, the Bujanovac municipality encouraged tobacco-growing by its own premium, which is received by the tobacco-growers that had their farms registered. Thus far, the rate of premium was 20 dinars per one kilo of delivered tobacco.