Мedvedja – The municipality of Medvedja continued to subsidize farmers, so that this year it earmarked 10 million dinars for that purpose
Yesterday, Nebojsa Arsic, the Mayor of Medvedja, along with his associates, handed out the first agreements on the allocation of the 2016 stimulus funds at the Medvedja municipal assembly’s hall.
Мedvedja – The municipality of Medvedja continued to subsidize farmers, so that this year it earmarked 10 million dinars for that purpose
Yesterday, Nebojsa Arsic, the Mayor of Medvedja, along with his associates, handed out the first agreements on the allocation of the 2016 stimulus funds at the Medvedja municipal assembly’s hall.
The funds amounting to 3,000,000 dinars were distributed to 47 beneficiaries, while the total value of the funds earmarked for stimulating agricultural production is 10,000,000 dinars. The funds will be disbursed to other beneficiaries by the end of the year.
The total amount of funds allocated for this year was used, and since the interest in subsidies is growing from year to year, Mayor Arsic promised that, depending on the possibilities of the budget, he would make an effort to increase the next year’s amount for subsidies.
Source: Info Center South and Coordination Body